Plugin Tag: German
Analytics Germanized for Google Analytics (GDPR / DSGVO)
(27 total ratings)Google Analytics preconfigured to respect EU law and with lots of advanced analytics settings for extensive tracking possibilities.
(0 total ratings)Converts German umlauts for permalinks, post, comments, feeds automatically. Wandelt Umlaute automatisch für Permalinks, Posting, Kommentare, Feeds.
(2 total ratings)Replace non-ASCII characters for installs that set the German language as a primary language.
German Slugs
(5 total ratings)German Slugs properly transliterates umlauts and the letter ß appearing in titles for slugs (i.e. for pretty permalinks).
Contact Form 7 Select Box Editor Button
(2 total ratings)Add a contact form link into article text. For contact forms where the recipient can be chosen in a select box.
Periodical Widget Visibility
(0 total ratings)Control the periodical visibility of each widget based on weekdays within a yearly time period easily.
Weg mit §219a! [obsolet]
(1 total ratings)Dieses Plugin bindet eine Schaltfläche auf deiner Frontpage ein, die deine Besucher über Schwangerschaftsabbrüche informiert.
Polizeipresse Plugin
(1 total ratings)This plugin loads the latest news from German police stations and displays them in your blog.
Contact Form 7 – SalesKing CRM Addon
(0 total ratings)Get your Contact Form 7 data straight into SalesKing CRM.
Presseportal Plugin
(0 total ratings)This plugin loads the latest news from German Pressportal and displays them in your blog.
istOK MEdia Plugin
(1 total ratings)istOK MEdia Bannerwerbung für Deutsches ClickBank zum Geld Verdienen (wie früher Digibux)
German Posting Filter Plugin
(0 total ratings)Mit diesem Plugin können Sie gewisse Blogbeiträge für ausgewählte deutschsprachige Länder ausblenden.