Plugin Tag: news
(0 total ratings)The Digg plugin provides an easy framework to add Digg buttons and Digg widgets to your page.
(1 total ratings)A simple ticker plugin for wordpress. It supports multiple tickers. You can define an update interval
Show articles by keyword
(0 total ratings)This plugin adds a shortcode so you can show related articles based on a keyword with no effort.
News Ticker Anywhere
(0 total ratings)This plugin will create news/ticker Anywhere where you want show Popup
Financial Toolbox
(0 total ratings)The financial toolbox includes a news ticker for the latest financial news.
A Better Planet
(2 total ratings)A Better Planet is a widget for your dashboard which will show up to date news, tutorials and resources from over 30 contributing sites.
(1 total ratings)Add Google Alerts to any WordPress Page or Text Widget with a [WPGAlerts] short code.
Workbox Nasdaq XML News Reader Plugin
(0 total ratings)Allows to import NASDAQ news feed and show it on your Wordpress site.
(1 total ratings)Reconewsは投稿されたコンテンツの内容を解析して、関連する外部のニュースやコンテンツを取得して投稿ページに表示することで内容の充実を図ることができます。 外部ニュースは下記のいずれかのサイトより取得することができます bing (bingの検索結果が表示されます。) Googleニュース …
Breaking Bar
(0 total ratings)A simple breaking news bar that monitors a chosen category and is displayed via a shortcode.
Featured Image Meta Tag in RSS
(0 total ratings)If you need to add the post's featured image as a Open Graph meta tag to the RSS feed, ie: for Apple News.
Botón Fixmedia
(1 total ratings)[]( "") es una herramienta para mejorar las noticias colectivamente.
EuropaFM News
(2 total ratings)Display a news feed from on your website. Includes a widget, shortcode and Visual Composer integration.
KK Tip Tricks
(0 total ratings)Plugin displays randome messages such as quotations, tips &tricks, mewsflash in any place on a webpage.
Ubecube 3D
(0 total ratings)Ubecube 3D lets you to display 1 to 6 short texts in sequence. Useful for communicate News or what you want.