Plugin Tag: archive
Category Monthly Archives
(0 total ratings)This Widget display category monthly archives links on category page.
Archive Post Tabs
(1 total ratings)Archive Post Tabs plugin is used to show list and grid view of the archive posts with months and years tabs. This plugin allows to created unlimited w …
azurecurve Posts Archive
(2 total ratings)Posts Archive (multi-site compatible) based on Ozh Tweet Archive Theme; archive can be displayed in a widget, post or page.
In Over Your Archives
(1 total ratings)This plugin will display your archive page in a nice way, just like on
Author Admin View Archive Link
(2 total ratings)Creates a View Archive link in the list of authors on the Users admin page.
Subzane Categorized Archive Widget
(0 total ratings)A widget that displays an archive for the current selected category. On non-category pages a standard archive is displayed.
(1 total ratings)Retrospective plugin displays last posts or posts from a specific category in a nice-looking "retrospective" way using a shortcode.
Binge Reading Archive Page Template
(0 total ratings)A plugin to create an "all posts since this site started by month" page. Built for sites using the Genesis Framework.
CS Gallery
(0 total ratings)Display thumbnails of photos/docs/mp3-sounds/youtubevideos and descriptions in a responsive grid and popup dialogs.
Web Archive
(0 total ratings)Automatically creates HTML copies of your posts and pages when they're published, allowing you to track every version.
Archivist by Vadim Evard
(1 total ratings)Simple WordPress plugin that saves new and edited posts to the Wayback Machine. More functionality coming soon.
Save Now
(4 total ratings)Easily download other installed plugins and themes as ZIP files from your WordPress admin interface.
Archive NBP
(0 total ratings)A WordPress plugin to display Bank of Poland currencies rates. Allow to view rates as Gutenberg blocks, shortcodes or REST API endpoints from the DB.
Archive Manager
(0 total ratings)Easily manage and display archive links for all taxonomy types and users in your WordPress admin with the Archive Manager plugin.
Auto Archive WooCommerce Orders & Export Orders – ArchiveMaster
(0 total ratings)WooCommerce archive orders plugin for WordPress. Archive orders with archived status to a remote database. Improve site speed and performance.
LH Taxonomy Pinned Posts
(0 total ratings)Mark a custom post type to be placed at the top of a specified taxonomy archive. It's like a sticky post specifically for that archive.
Little Free Archive Freshener
(0 total ratings)The Little Free Archive Freshener plugin for WordPress is an editorial and SEO tool that helps you keep your posts and pages fresh.